Auto-Chem is the chemicals and detergent division of PWS (Leeds) Limited.

PWS has built its reputation within the vehicle valeting and commercial transport industries over the last ten years, offering service and repair of all makes of valeting equipment.

PWS’s aim was to become a complete ‘one stop shop’ for all your pressure washing needs. To achieve this, Directors Jason Ripley and Andy Brooke teamed up combining their expertise and experience to create what is now PWS.

In 2004, Jason Ripley founded PWS, specialising in pressure washer servicing, repairs and equipment rentals. In 2009 Andy Brooke teamed up with Jason, bringing his experience in pressure washing machine sales, equipment rentals and detergent sales within the haulage industry to provide the full service, end to end solution that PWS offers today.

PWS now employ a modest team of engineers, fitters and customer service staff. We have a new showroom, workshops, spray shop and a fully stocked parts department.

Both Jason and Andy are actively involved in PWS, so you can be assured the highest quality service and expertise.